Easiest way to make MONEY MAKING BLOG

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Blogging is big business these days, with some bloggers have reported earning millions of dollars. There are many ways in which this blogger to get checks in large amounts, and how it must not evict or scare away your customers. See 101 below and learn how the tools and methods.

MerchandisingIf you are a loved blogger, there is a good chance the reader will give you kedapa support. Give them what they want and try to make money by selling things.

CafePress.com: favorite site allows you to make your blog logo on shirts, bags, mats and other goods.
Issue Book Yourself: If your reader likes what you write, maybe they want to have in a form that they hold when online to show a friend. Create your own printing press to publish books such as Lulu and you will enjoy the benefits even without a big book.
Printfection.com: Design and sell the one you create your own products with Printfection.com.
Content Hard Copy: Make a book: CD-ROM with organized content that you can access them offline. You can take a step further by selling subscription update.
GoodStorm: Like CafePress.com and Printfection.com, GoodStorm is a good way to create and sell goods made your own.Paid ContentPaid content is a good way to make money for bloggers who regularly provide quality information - especially if the information is also useful for other people to make money. Do not create a preview that makes the content does not need to read the full membership. Try to customers required to pay some money to get quality information is complete.

E-Books: Is it a compilation of your best tip or idea is put together - an e-book is well content with reader-friendly.
White Papers: As e-books, white papers appear smaller but has a more technical version of your content.
Service Number: Sell was the telephone service that provides advice and consulting services.
Miniguides: If you have a mini content that is helpful, create a package containing a small relief.
Tutorial: Collect your knowledge and compile them into the form of tutorials that are based on expert advice.
Special Section Member: Do you provide access to published content items or just a free advertisement, make sure you deliver a product that would be paid by your readers.
TextMarks Inc.: Wear a charge to your customers with the content of the sms service TextMarks.
X-Events: Project physical events online and create revenue by imposing administrative fees, sponsorship and subscription sold at the next event.
Podcasts: Podcasts may be something new for your readers, and most of them might be willing to pay you.
Video: Like podcasts, video is an additional value to the reader.BeggingNot something that is painful to be honest you get the money from your blog. Ask your readers to contribute - in a polite way of course - one who sincerely appreciate the work you would be willing to give a little to ensure your success.

PayPal: Paypal system lets you give a donation button on your blog.
Amazon Honor System: As with PayPal, Amazon Honor System allows you to receive online donations.
Check Through Mail: Of course a check through your letter box can also be performed. Give your readers your full address for those who wish to contribute.
Buy me a beer / coffee: Ask for donations in the form of beer. Coffee or other items allows readers to give you something in a more tangible form.
Amazon Wish List: Although not in the form of money, ask your readers to buy your stuff from Amazon Wish List.OpportunityBeing a successful blogger means becoming an expert in your field. You can use this status to make money by chance, which can increase your value in the eyes of the reader.

Writing Gigs: With a talent show on the blog, you provide a resume on the network blogs or news sites that may be hiring your services.
Seminar and Workshop: As an expert, you can invite your readers to visit in person for the seminar and workshop.
Bloggers for hire: Make yourself hired by the company's website to write a blog.
Blogger jobs: As a blogger hired, Blogger Jobs can connect you with sites that are in need of bloggers.
Offline: Bring your blogging skills to the real world by becoming a columnist in a newspaper or magazine.
Guest Blogging: Try menjadim room for other people's blogs.
Job Board: If you are an industry leader, create a job board that allows your readers to be recruited according to their position.
Make a Radio Station: The radio station, you can use features podcasts, sells spot advertising for the event or selling votes.
Consultation: If you are a successful blogger, you probably have a lot of information to be shared. Be konultan free lance and make yourself get paid for something you know.
Speaking: you can make your blog known by industry leaders and can make you invited to the meetings.
Books: A popular blogger has generated a lot of book sales.
Interview: Share your experience in radio or television.OfflineGreatest financial benefit from the activity of blogging is to bring into real life.

Give Your Service: Your blog is the best forum to market your business.
Create your business communications beyond: A blog can be a great opportunity to develop business with a personal communication. With menemparkan yourself as a person authorized to make friends, your business becomes more approachable.
Deepen relationships with customers: Behind the provision of a friendly voice, a blog can help you deal with customers.AdAdvertising is butter for the bread to the bloggers. But they also can be very annoying for the reader. To create kesiembangan. Focus on what one is relevant and make sure you do not fulfill your blog with too many ads.

Yahoo! Publisher Network: Display contextual ads on your site via Yahoo! Publisher Network.
ValueClick Inc.: You will get quality advertising, support and technology muthakir of ValueClick.
Tribal Fusion: Tribal Fusion impression is based on the targeting and optimization services. .
eXelate Targeting eXchange: This program relies on delayed ad cookies.
Clicksor Inc.: Clicksor focuses contextual ads that can be presented in a number of different ways, such as text, graphics, and in-line link.
Indeed: Post job listings from Indeed and get paid.
Chitika eMiniMalls: Promote products through kiosks goods and provide relevant content and comparative shopping to readers. You will get paid per click.
AdSonar: Draw the attention of the lawyer-advertising and build relationships with them are indvidu through this platform.
ExpoActive: Get freedom from specific ads with ExpoActive.
AdVolcano LLC: By using AdVolcano platform, you will be able to design your ad.
eXelate Targeted Links: Pick the advertiser that you want on your site with this program.
grokAds.com: set your price and select the advertiser that you want to receive the grokAds.com.
Adify: Get editorial control and high-value ads on your site by using Adify.
AdBrite Inc: using Adbrite, you have the option to accept and reject on your blog, you can even sell them directly to your users.
BidVertiser: These ads can be changed completely, and you have the option to block any ads that you do not want on your blog.
Blogads: Get invited to this exclusive network of bloggers, and you will have a high-quality advertising and related to the topic you discussed in your blog.
Casale Media: Get high-quality advertisers with Casale Media.
DoubleClick: DoubleClick offers many different solutions for you.
BlueLithium: Get better ads, targeted and co-operation with BlueLithium.Ads RSSA more specialized way of advertising, advertising in RSS allows bloggers to monetize their RSS. Most readers in general have the same response to ads in RSS with ads on regular websites.

Pheedo: RSS advertising platform offers the option of video and interactive triggers.
Feedvertising: Part of Text Link Ads, Feedvertising embed ads in your RSS.
CrispAds: Network ad network focused on this blog allows you to place ads directly on your content so that they will come out well on your site meupun in RSS.
FeedBurner: FeedBurner ads embedded in the RSS and has a high-quality advertisers like Discover Band, Best Buy and Comcast.
FeedM8: Services FeedM8 make your blog ready to put up ads that can be viewed on the device - a portable device.Text adsAdvertising in the form of text is one of the most friendly type of reader. Their small size and because they are in the form of text, they are less disruptive than image ads. Try some of the services below to place ads that are not so annoying in your blog.

Vibrant Media: Vibrant Media ads are all there in the form of text and user selectable.
Google AdSense: Ads from Google is the most popular and often most profitable for many bloggers. They are very relevant to the content of your clogs, and it is very common among bloggers, so you will not get much negative response from readers.
LinkAds: You have a lot of control over the ads - ads that are displayed.
PaidTextLinks.com: Sell link - the link on your site.
One Monkey: You can display text-based ads that are relevant and have a large percentage of the profits with One Monkey.
Kontera ContentLink: ContentLink change the relevant keywords in your content into advertising in the form of hyperlinks.
Text Link Ads: Ads Text Link Ads is simple and does not interfere with a good choice for many bloggers.
TAGword: Select your ads and determine its worth in TAGword.
LinkAdage Auctions: Sell text links in the form of private online auction through the LinkAdage.
LinkWords: Offering payment pay per click is embedded in your content, giving highlights on words - keywords that are relevant to the advertisers.
Textlinkbrokers.com: Get a small link ads are not intrusive, and also the monthly payment that is independent of your site's traffic.Selling your own AdSell ​​your own ads is a better method of all in terms of friendliness to the reader. By selling your own ads, you will have full control and can decide the most effective methods to your reader.

Individual advertisers: Advertisers are you supposed to be a company that would really - really interested by your readers. Get ads from companies - big companies in your industry for best results.
Sell ​​your ads are active: To attract advertisers, you must announce that you accept advertising. Place a link on your site, contact potential advertisers and place the message in the forum - the relevant forum.
Create a Media Kit: Make it easy for advertisers to buy from you. Create a document that contains the price, advertising regulations, demographics, traffic, testimonials and how to contact you.
Offer free advertising: To begin this process, look for companies - companies that are relevant to your site and give them free advertising for a period of time. This will make some other companies interested in advertising on your site.Affiliate ProgramMost bloggers sometimes say the name of the product. Whether it is software, books or toys, you usually give a link to them for free. The affiliate program allows you to benefit from the name of the product, often without the need to change many of your site. To create an affiliate program is friendly to the reader, attach the correct link - really relevant to your discussion, and do not put too many links.

Amazon Associates: Taking advantage of up to 10% in referral fees from your blog link.
Chitika ShopCloud $: With this program, you can display the product - the product popular in the tag cloud format.
WidgetBucks: These shopping widgets to offer the product - the product popular, relevant and has a high customization.
LinkShare Corp.: This affiliate program will give you access to the program - a program created by companies - companies like Apple, Dell and Disney.
Zanox: Zanox Create an online store, select a product - a product that you want and get a percentage of each sale.
uSuggest LLC: Suggest a product - a product relevant to the reader and get paid.
Chitika RPU: If you ever discuss a product, get the money by adding a link to this product at the end of the article.
Auction Ads LLC: Place relevant eBay auction ads on your site to earn money.
Recommendation: If you are a fan of a product or service, why not directly ask them to pay you to put a link to their site?
Commission Junction: You can promote a wide variety of products through Commission Junction, so you'll be able to find something relevant to your readers.
Linkx Chitika: Chitika identify keywords in your blog and turn them into links to a list of products.
Shareasale.com: Sign up for your ad networks and choose which companies you want to promote.
ClickBank: Through ClickBank program, you can choose the products you want to promote.
iTunes Affiliates: Give your readers a new output in iTunes and get a commission from the sales with this program.Articles - articles that Sisponsori

ReviewMe: ReviewMe Select the articles you like and get up to $ 200 per article.
PayPerPost: Use PayPerPost to profit from writing about the site, product or service that you espouse.
Payu2blog.com: Register yourself with this program, and you'll benefit from a higher than average - average, as well as a fairly stable job.
Review you are paid to do yourself: If you get paid to write a review, the key is to be selective. You should not accept any offer that comes, and if you do not have anything positive about a product, do not write this review. Do not forget to also offer pendapatnegatif so your readers know that you do not just blindly choose the highest bidder.
SponsoredReviews.com: Write your own review with SponsoredReviews.com.
Blogsvertise: When you are given the task of Blogsvertise, you just need to put three links in your blog. This is the best way to make the ads look more natural and unobtrusive.
Smorty: Choose your subject and get paid every week from Smorty.
Write a book review: One more way to get something from your blog through the book review. You will get the book - the book is free and at the same time, provide a valuable service to your readers.Other - OtherThere are a few ways to monetize your blog without offending readers.

Sell ​​your blog: If you have worked hard to form your blog and have great stats, get a lot of money at once from a buyer.
Shareapic.net: Place photos - your photos on this site, and you'll get paid every time they are viewed. This means you can publish the photo - this photo in your blog and get paid every time someone reads the article that has one of the photos you Shareapic.net.
Scoopt Words: Sell your item to the mainstream media with Scoopt.
Use your blog to create a mailing list: If you sell products, you can use your blog to create a list of people who are interested in buying from you.
Vizu Corp. Answers: Place the poll on your site. The reader is happy to give their opinion, and you will benefit.

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